
Spelling Bee Winners

Arekopaneng Centre in Orange Farm played host to the Spelling Bee finals on 20 October 2018. Three young people in each age group from all five centres participated in the final. The 15 finalists in each age category battled it out round-by-round until one was left standing. The event presented numerous nail-biting moments for contestants (guests too!)

We want to extend a very big THANK YOU to Accelerate Property Fund, Indwe Risk Services, Netsurit, Dashpay, Waltons, Workonline Communications, Phoenix Capital and Growright for generously sponsoring the competition. Your contribution helps to power the next generation of Afrika Tikkun young people towards academic excellence. Experiences like these give our young people a taste of success – a priceless reward for your investment.


Be a part of growing our next generation of achievers and champions, and encouraging a culture of learning in South African townships.

Support the Afrika Tikkun Spelling Bee Championship 2019.